
WelComE To My BLog

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

JoM ramai-ramai pi USS

What is USS?? haha. wondering? hehe. USS a.k.a Universal Studio Singapore. haha. come on, jom pi ramai-ramai. memeriahkan universal studio. it's not a waste of time goin' there. let's see...


My younger bro wif my cousin.

Me and my lil' sis..at front, my dad. taken while waitin' others at restroom. hehe

Me wif dat statue of wuteve dat thing is called. haaha

The rest of da family dat join us to USS.

While waitin' to get into the special effects studio.

Street singer...??haha

In front of hershey's choc shop. heehe

Tanx 4 reading diz entry. ;-)